Monday 27 May 2013

to be honest..

all i ever wanted is to reach out and touch another human being, not with my limbs, but with my heart.


balik rumah..sorang-sorang lagi.


i just need someone. to kill this loneliness. 

Saturday 25 May 2013


i miss you.

although its hard for me to admit it, i miss being loved by you.

Sunday 19 May 2013

bits & pieces of my weekend

weekend yang penuh dengan wedding related activities.

a trip to ipoh for a wedding, continued with an after party for that. yes. partay in yeee-poh.
semalam bachelor party for a friend at the pool ampang.
awesome place, awesome peeps.

sumpah penat.

so i chose to spend my sunday on bed, watching the voice UK.

dan malam ni, see you in KL live, for The Used concert.


Sunday 12 May 2013

midnight ramblings

rokok ke tujuh untuk malam ini.
janji tidur awal tidak ditepati.
besok pagi,
mata bengkak macam zombi.


otak banyak fikir.
padahal benda remeh.
biasalah, perangai aku memang suka overthink. suka exaggerate masalah kecil.
mungkin juga sebab panas.
peluh, peluh peluh.

berbogel pun tidak membantu. sebab ni panas lain macam.
adakah suda tiba masanya untuk aku pasang aircond?
tapi poket masih tipis untuk itu.

takpelah. tidur bogel lagi dan lagi lah.


stop giving son of adam opportunities to play with your heart and ruin your life.

just phuck it

pisang berbuah dua kali.

and again im the bad person.

phuck this shit.